cyperus esculentus pdf
The plants currently found in Flanders belong to var. 199 Erdmandel Cyperus esculentus Irene Hoppe1 Matthias Haase1 Ulrike Sölter2 Arnd Verschwele2 Katrin Schneider3 Jens Birger4 Antje Birger4 Uwe Starfinger5 1Landschaftspflegeverband Grüne Umwelt e. Pin On Healthy Food Recipes It is used as a crop plant but it also occurs in the wild and as a weed. . The invasiveness of this species is also high due to its great dispersal capacity. It is valued for its small fleshy underground tubers. Introduction Cyperus esculentus L. Leptostachyus Boeckeler an American taxon that has become widely naturalised in various parts of western Europe as a weed of arable land but also in more natural riparian habitats. Tubers are the primary means of overwintering in cultivated lands but reproduction can occur by way of seeds bulbs and rhizomes. Find read and cite all the research. Cyperus esculentusyellow nutsedge watergrass N...